One doctrine called for guarding every intersection such as this one.
Russian military doctrine calls for the naval infantry to be used as shock troops spearheading an assault that would be followed up by ground forces.
If the hinges must be breached, then doctrine calls for a total of three shots, one per hinge followed by an attempt to open the door.
His amended doctrine of "rationalism" called for implementing these rules of perception in practical architecture and city planning.
Soviet tactical doctrine generally called for a tighter, more controlled deployment of forces.
American doctrine in the gulf war, however, called for an absolutely overwhelming force, even against an Iraqi enemy that collapsed in the first hours.
To insure effective military operations, longstanding doctrine calls for a clearly defined chain of command, the shorter the better.
This was regarded by many Party members as a treason, for these concessions were made to classes the Party's doctrine called 'exploiters'.
Soviet (and Russian) military doctrine calls for its airborne guns to be self-propelled.
Current military doctrine calls for answering any military use of chemical weapons with overwhelming conventional force.