The White House will release about 10,000 pages of documents not covered by executive privilege, including thousands of letters asking the President to show leniency.
The new deadline came as the administration and Senate Democrats debated how documents covered by the subpoenas would be handled.
Then, in 1980, his room was opened, revealing books and writings in several languages as well as documents covered with cabalistic symbols.
"And here's the menu," she said, looking at a long document covered with writing.
Their lamps hang with shades that they have fashioned from old legal documents covered in the decorative ink sworls of 19th-century script.
The library said last week that it had complied with the Bush administration's instructions to speed the release of any Roberts-related documents covered by public records laws.
Finally, we also need reasonable democratic control of documents covered by the second and third pillars.
This 720-page document covered in some detail the measures needed to ensure sustainable development.
The administration's position, one of the officials said, is that there is a "presumption of disclosure" when it comes to documents covered by the act.
Peckle hardly moved but continued to peer at a document covered in strange cipher markings.