The document depicted Mr. Smith as a treasure hunter interested in magic instead of a prophet given scripture by angels, as the church contends.
The documents depict the party elders losing faith in Mr. Zhao and discussing various candidates to replace him.
And certainly, the financial documents depict a money machine.
Furthermore, other documents, such as Hatshepsut's Speos Artemidos, depict similar storms, but are clearly speaking figuratively, not literally.
The documents depict Einstein following the details of his children's lives, helping them long-distance with their geometry.
These documents, ranging from CE 96 to 134, depict a vivid picture of life for an upper-middle class Jewish woman during that time.
The documents depict an enormous and previously unknown American intelligence effort.
The documents depict a ring of more than 100 wartime spies who reported to Moscow on their contacts with atomic scientists, journalists and American intelligence officers.
These documents depict the specific procedure to be followed by a pilot for a particular type of approach to an airport.
The document may also depict or otherwise refer to work flows and/or data flows between component systems.