The crown innovation appears to be resented by the local Muslim papermakering community; the document guarantees the Muslim subjects the right to continue their way of traditional papermaking by beating the pulp manually and grants them the right to be exempted from work in the new mill.
Malapportionment might be deliberate, as when the governing documents guarantee outlying regions a specific number of seats.
The document also guarantees access to an array of services including surgery and treatment in state hospitals at nominal charges.
The resulting document effectively stripped the Emperor of authority, established an elected government and guaranteed a range of civil rights, including full equality for women.
The ethics commission, in its opinion, said: "It noted that the documents produced by the person concerned, drawn up a long time after receipt of the funds, do not guarantee that the payments were indeed made into the CAF accounts.
That document guarantees the separation of church and state; it also removes any legal basis for Islam to play a role in political life by prohibiting proselytizing, the dissemination of "unofficial" religious literature, discrimination based on religion, and the formation of religious political parties.
The document further guarantees that all Ethiopian languages will enjoy equal state recognition, although Amharic is specified as the working language of the federal government.
The report also includes documents guaranteeing citizens their rights.
But no document can guarantee the wise or even the responsible exercise of the governmental powers whose boundaries it defines.
The document most notably guaranteed the right to vote to all males of at least 21 years of age, regardless of race, but also instituted a poll tax.