By contrast, federal prosecutors presented documents depicting Coke as willing to commit brutal acts of violence to support his drug empire, and implicating him in at least five murders.
The classified documents also implicate the colonel more directly in the 1990 killing of the guerrilla than anything made public today.
A recently released Soviet document implicates Theodore Hall, a physicist at Cambridge University.
Philipps stated that he believed the documents in the collection did not implicate Bloomfield but that they might contain information related to the assassination.
A document released by the US Central Intelligence Agency in 1995 also implicated the Guatemalan military in the attacks.
The document also implicates two former Pierce aides in a scheme to help the developer obtain Federal grants under false pretenses.
The document purportedly implicated Laurent Esso, secretary-general of the presidency, in paying three SNH managers an unusually high commission.
Senator Glenn said the documents, discovered in a utility company's offices with Mr. Roberts's initials on them, implicated the commissioner in misconduct.
The documents instead implicated other political leaders who ran a parallel command and used military police units to terrorize and kill civilians as part of their ethnic cleansing campaign.
The leaked document implicated a British MP who had become a paid lobbyist for the junta.