Mr. Guzmán reduced the number of documents needed to release cargo.
Even tapes in good condition may be missing the documents needed to decode them.
State officials worry that many blacks, American Indians and other poor people will be unable to come up with the documents needed to prove citizenship.
But many lack the documents needed to work legally and are constrained by the fear of deportation if they complain.
Please identify the documents or information needed and explain the purpose of your request.
And it did nothing to help them get the documents needed to demonstrate the loan and subsidy support that neighboring white farmers had received.
But the administration has declined to publicly provide detailed answers or grant full access to relevant documents needed to establish the truth.
He said that as he moved to the new office, he lost some of the documents needed to prepare his taxes.
Borrowers should know if their broker is not quickly obtaining documents needed to process the loan, like insurance and title details.
That is why the rapporteur has my full support when she defends the general principle of access to all the documents needed to examine a case.