Attached documents and the actual rulings ordering that a letter rogatory be issued are to be supplied, but need not be translated.
The document, put out in July, ordered rapid establishment of forty-acre plots in violation of presidential pardons.
On June 6, federal judge Richard Paul Matsch ruled the documents would not prove McVeigh innocent and ordered the execution to proceed.
The document ordered that baptized children, if orphaned, should be kept in Catholic custody and stated that the decision "has been approved by the Holy Father".
Mr. Thompson signed a document rejecting several reasons put forward by the labor federation and ordered it to deliver many documents by Monday.
The scandal has threatened the career of Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, whom the French news media have accused of using the documents to order an investigation of Mr. Sarkozy, his political rival.
The document also orders the military to halt proliferation of unconventional weapons and to recover or eliminate uncontrolled chemical, biological or nuclear materials, which includes efforts to detect and monitor the acquisition and development of unconventional weapons.
The document ordered that six countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, and Sudan, relinquish their governments over to the United States.
That document ordered the father and his son to stay away, and officials said they believed the two men have complied with the order.
This document has abolished polygamy and repudiation, enabled women to ask for divorce, enacted a minimum age for marriage and ordered the consent of both spouses before marriage.