The document recommended, among other things, that US troops stop fighting in Vietnam and return home.
The document recommends a step-by-step procedure to resolve conflicts between a local bishop and a theologian.
That document recommended cooperation among privacy authorities in areas such as education and enforcement.
Although controversial, the document does not endorse either the production or consumption of drugs but recommends for both a new and an alternative approach.
The support can take many forms such as outlines, recommended documents, storyboards, or key questions.
The document recommended that the Garuda should be treated with respect as it is considered a sacred symbol.
This document summarizes symptoms and recommended preventive behaviors for the general public.
The meeting was allegedly extended by a week and the document "recommends contacts with bin Laden."
The document summarises the status of women in the world and recommends steps for improving it.
The document recommends carrying out an in-depth analysis of the implementation problems in areas with specific delays in project selection.