The document requested him to declare Bordeaux King Henri V of France.
However different documents in his dossier state he requested two, three, four, and five witnesses.
The document requested vast democratic reforms such as the transfer of power to elected representatives.
She said Profamilia feels more comfortable if both spouses sign the document requesting such operations, although this was not a requirement.
The document also requested that places be set aside in "official delegation trips abroad" and asked for "better coordination on appointments to boards and commissions."
"Every question in the case, every document requested, relates only to the I.B.M.-Microsoft announcement."
Under Federal law, health care providers are supposed to keep records to support all claims, and they must make the documents available when Federal investigators request them.
The document also requested that the OAU establish a temporary peacekeeping force to combat militant groups until the UN force arrived.
The documents requested include evacuation plans for individual schools, as well as letters of agreement between the counties and providers of emergency services, among other things.
Sometimes, the lawyers say, the agency argues that confidentiality laws cover almost any document requested.