The comments, made public late last month when the court ordered the documents unsealed, echoed those filed with the court by Scott VanDeVelde, Gator's vice president of sales.
The authorities admit they are still stumped about a motive, but partial documents unsealed in New Hampshire today disclosed pivotal clues that led them to the Vermont teenagers charged with the killings of two Dartmouth professors.
In 2009, documents unsealed in litigation against AstraZeneca indicated that Dr. Charles Schulz, Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota and a consultant for AstraZeneca, had misrepresented the benefits of Seroquel in research presentations and press releases.
Also in the documents unsealed yesterday, Bankers Trust argued that Procter & Gamble was a sophisticated player in the capital markets, with a $3.8 billion portfolio of derivatives and a further $1.5 billion of investments in "arbitrage positions."
An informer has told Federal investigators that James D. Nichols, the brother of one of the suspects in the Oklahoma City bombing, said six years ago that the Federal Building there could be leveled by a "megabomb," documents unsealed in Federal District Court in Detroit yesterday say.
However, German documents unsealed in the 1970s proved that Mata Hari was truly a German agent.
In October 2011, documents and interviews unsealed after five years in storage revealed Brownell was fired from his post as President.
But documents unsealed today also show that former employees have told investigators that similar problems existed at the subsidiary's laboratory in Houston.