The document also warned against "well-intentioned support" of anti-discrimination laws that could lead to approval of homosexual behavior.
The documents warn that "there can be no assurance that such financing will be available on attractive terms, if at all."
But the document warned against separating these cells from the parish and diocesan structures or turning them into political instruments.
Although the document warned of further destruction like aerial bombings, it didn't mention anything about nuclear bombing.
The document warns that injuries from land mines could increase dramatically.
Other key documents warned of the potential epidemic in China and might have influenced the attitudes of policymakers.
The document warns that "some countries" are trying to dominate the flow of information worldwide and to force Russia out of the information market.
Superfluous surfing "may be cause for disciplinary action and/or termination," warned a document distributed to all employees.
Both documents warn of the need to protect sport as a cultural value.
"No one on same page, safety measure not taken or understood, Theater Air Control system not functional," the documents warned.