A documentary, Campaign, produced by Tony Sutorius, highlighted the events surrounding the 1996 campaign in the electorate.
According to Concern the documentary successfully highlighted the serious issue of outsourcing by Primark, which breaks the company's own code of conduct.
The documentary criticised Ryanair's training policies, security procedures, aircraft hygiene and highlighted poor staff morale.
A documentary by Robert Trachtenberg highlights Thalberg's contribution to the films under his control.
The documentary highlighted the importance of the find, and stated that the fossil remains "give a snap-shot of dinosaur evolution".
The documentary will highlight Africa's contribution to the Global film Industry.
The documentary highlighted the trucks' primitive construction and poor condition, and general uselessness to the Malawi community.
The documentary highlighted the dilemma of coping with an ageing parent.
The documentary also highlighted the lack of appropriate services such as hostels, drop-in centres and advice services.
The documentary highlights the alienation which these working class voters feel from the Labour Party.