On the other hand, Loevy seemingly reject Nichols's conclusion that documentary realism should result in "a personal point of view about the historical world."
Admittedly, a fictional series makes no promise of documentary realism and should not be held to a cinema verite standard.
Mr. Loach's is a cross between documentary realism and agitprop theater.
The book appeared at the height of the Depression when documentary realism, not Proustian recollection, was the latest literary fashion.
And he writes in a stripped-down style that creates the impression of a kind of documentary realism.
At first Wyczółkowski aimed at devoting himself to the genre of historical painting with documentary realism in the detail.
Her movies, photographs, and art installations focus on documentary realism, feminist issues, and social commentary - with a distinct experimental style.
Her work is staged, but what makes it so satisfying is that it has the direct, unadorned look of documentary realism.
ABC has taken the opportunity to get down and dirty here in the name of documentary realism.
No evident moralism or artistic propositions color her work, which occupies a place between documentary realism and impressionism.