The excess documentation, they assert, indicates how wasteful the organization is even as it faces chronic budget crises.
The extant documentation indicates that plans for further expansion of the Polenlager camp system had also been made.
Other documentations indicate FFP has not enough beneficial effect when it's used as a transfusion to stop massive hemorrhage.
"I can present medical documentation, T'Pau, indicating a preponderance of the child's genetic structure is Vulcan," Selar started to say.
The delivery has not yet occurred, and Iraqi documentations and interviews of Iraqi personnel indicate that this contract will not be executed.
When such goods are returned after repair, the accompanying documentation may not indicate that any payment has been made for the repair facility.
However, this is apocryphal as documentation indicates he died of apoplexy after three years of marriage.
The documentation indicated that Mr. Boeksy both made profits and suffered losses from his futures positions.
Where the public documentation indicates that the firm is giving advice to its client, careful consideration should be given as to how that advice is delivered.
The system performed satisfactorily, and post-flight documentation indicated engineers may expand its role for future telemetry transmission.