I come from a family who documented their lives through home movies over a period of almost 60 years.
The entire process has been documented over several weeks by an automatic camera.
Human Rights Watch has documented many of the same problems over the last year.
The report also documents over 250 children killed - some as young as two years old.
But he noted that the drug's relative superiority had been well documented over the last two years.
However, the dialect's own traits had been documented over the 19th and 20th century.
Simmons has documented a persistent decline over the years, to 62.4 percent in 1990.
Archeological sites document the evidence of man's presence over the entire period since then.
His accomplishments were documented over the years in numerous trade magazines and books on boat building.
In general, cities are warmer than their surroundings, as documented over a century ago by Howard.