All the blind men's dogs in the streets draw their masters against pumps or trip them over buckets.
From a distance, dogs carrying such loads would not draw attention, particularly at dusk or at night.
When the dog drew nearer, five woodcock flushed at the same moment, the greatest number that I have ever known being found together.
The old woman curtsied at their approach, and her dog drew back with a snarl.
Usually draws more than 100 dogs and their owners for weekends at this camp, 48 miles northwest of Chicago.
The dogs had drawn their own conclusion from the smell of his pockets.
The dog had drawn near to his master, and seemed to say to him, "Come, come!
If the dog got one of the lambs and drew blood there'd be no stopping it.
The dog drew nearer, then came around the fire, and Mike put out a hand.
The grass was moist, gently soaking his feet as the dogs drew him through it.