For a moment dog and rooster faced each other in a Hobbesian state of nature.
There was a crunch of breaking bone, and the white dog faced him on three legs.
Because it was a dark night, the priest accidentally walked over the dogs face.
Only the most hard-hearted can resist the sight of a boy crying when his dog faces death.
Yet our new understanding didn't spell the end of the long, uphill battle this dog faced to subordinate his nature to human expectations.
The dog faces many perils because of this, and has to endure much in his struggle to be allowed to live his life.
A dog faces the mean streets with helplessness and fear.
It has been created as a response to the "abuse" stray dogs are facing.
Three gloves are placed across one side of the ring while the dog and handler face the other direction.
The other dog suddenly heard him and leapt round, facing Timothy.