The dog obeyed and jumped quickly over the cane.
The dog obeyed the significant beck of his finger, and they drew off, stealthily, together.
His old dog, George, obeyed the call, but the younger one was missing.
And the dog obeyed, so maybe there was more to Suze than I thought.
Nevertheless, just as with any other trained animal, working dogs must still obey commands even when they are off-duty.
This dog usually obeys only one person and an older sheepdog may take some time to switch allegiance to a new master.
Any dog in Alaska would obey you as he obeyed.
The dog obeyed at once, cutting the cacophony of sound in half.
The 13-year-old daughter of a neighbor noted that apparently the dog was obeying instructions, even though they had been given in a foreign language.