Mr. Yorinks and his wife, Adrienne, a quilt maker, live on a hilltop here, where the dogs romp in a spacious yard and magnetic dog biscuits adorn the refrigerator.
By ten-thirty, the little dog was romping around his cage, begging for attention - or food.
First of all, there's not a whole lot of ego at stake as we watch our dogs romp.
Outside, children and dogs romped on a frozen pond.
For months the dog romped about his cage.
I relish the beauty, the scenic stroll along the avenue, the children playing, the dogs romping as if they were in a new-found wonderland.
There, the dogs roam and romp as they would in their own homes.
While Mrs. Vega filled their water bowls and stroked Fitz, a long-haired cat who shared their waterfront home with a couple of humans, the dogs romped on the deck.
The dog romped in a friendly fashion at his feet.
The dogs romped and rolled on the lawn, unleashed.