The dog ran into the kitchen, stuck his nose in Grandma's crotch, and snuffled.
The dog heaved itself to its feet and followed, snuffling at his shoes as if it thought they might be good to eat.
A dog snuffled him, then licked his hand and curled up next to him.
The dogs snuffle each other and snort steam.
The dogs whuffed and snuffled at him from the ends of their leashes and, somehow recognizing him as a friend, wagged their tails.
The dogs snuffled the air, looking back and forth, keenly alert and searching for wolves to bark at.
The dog snorted and snuffled, trying to stick his nose between the planks.
Two dogs, one of them with a broken leg, snuffling and tearing at something unholy under one of the tables.
Sue took the dogs with her, or once they were off, the dogs took her on a search and snuffle mission.
He did not, merely sniffed remotely and chewed on the corners of his moustache while the dog snuffled wearily at the end of the gilded leash.