She remembered a few dog toys that had started out some bright color and been reduced to muddy browns or grays in fairly short order.
They are everywhere and hard to resist but the hideous one I brought home quickly became an expensive dog toy.
The sides of a waterslide were chewed up like a dog toy.
The tool itself much resembles a modern dog toy.
And in a few months a new factory should start turning out dog toys.
A dog toy is a toy that is specifically for dogs to play with.
When choosing a dog toy, it is important that pet owners choose those made with non-toxic materials.
It's small, velvet, and doesn't look like it would contain a dog toy for Toby.
Puppies play with football-themed dog toys on a miniature, or very small, football field.
Their call is a high-pitched squeak, sounding similar to that of a squeaky dog toy.