In the mid-1960s, there was a small dog-racing track in the village.
She hated the idea of her dog finding the love of his life, then losing her to the hard world of dog-racing tracks.
Does she have to go back to the dog-racing track?
Originally a dog-racing track known as Manzanita Park, it was converted into a 1/4 mile jalopy race track during the summer of 1951.
After a raucous session, the State Senate approved a bill permitting video gambling machines at dog-racing tracks.
There are, however, no plans under the current proposals, to include a dog-racing track.
The dog-racing track was operated by Meyer Lansky.
In 1919, Smith opened the first professional dog-racing track with stands in Emeryville, California.
Opposite Regent Centre interchange is a 24-hour Asda, which lies on the site of a former dog-racing track.
It was the dog-racing track complete with electric rabbit.