"Iron Will," a Disney film about a dog-sled race, opens on Friday.
"That's what started the annual dog-sled races."
Canine life in Nome, where the movie is set, revolves around dog-sled races that have the fervor of high-school football games.
Fast working enthusiasts might complete a sled in time to enter the trans-Pyrenean dog-sled race on 25 January 1992.
Later this month, Newton Marshall, 26, will take part in the Iditarod, a 1,150-mile dog-sled race across the icy wilderness of Alaska.
Mr. Dole resumed his search for a well-orchestrated campaign epiphany first thing this morning, heading here to a dog-sled race.
"Leader's not here, he's back home," Mr. Dole explained to someone who asked about his dog here at the starting line of the dog-sled race.
Many people still go ice fishing and there are annual dog-sled races in which everyone with a team participates.
The Festival is an all-day community event highlighted by dog-sled races, a long-program fireworks show and community bonfire.
Started in 1957, the event brings together thousands of people to participate in traditional games, watch the dog-sled and snowmobile races and dance (jig) the night away in town.