Humanism is a response to the widespread demand for an alternative to dogmatic religion.
According to a galley copy, he describes his hope for a spiritual transformation in the world, a movement he says need not be linked to dogmatic religion.
Now, Raknes experienced that he could understand the religions from the "inside", even though he himself didn't believe in any dogmatic religion.
In later years of his life he explained: "I count myself a religious man, but I am an opponent of all dogmatic religion.
Hegel, while being critical of contemporary dogmatic religion, retained an intellectual interest in the ontological and epistemological beliefs of Christianity.
This part in particular deals with the contradictory duality and hypocrisy perceived by Waters in dogmatic religion and its power over man.
This error has been the foundation of all dogmatic religions, and so the cause of more misery than all other errors combined.
Unlike dogmatic religion, which lends itself to sectarian disputes, mysticism often claims that there are as many roads to God as people.
They also aimed for the elimination of dogmatic religions, such as Christianity, and the establishment of a one-world government and religion.
My background has a lot of dogmatic religion in it, and a lot of anger.