"The classic model of the 90's where you build up dollar debt and export business models from the U.S. doesn't work that well."
To pay its new multi-billion dollar debts, Brazil held a fire sale.
The multi-trillion dollar national debt has been forgotten in the Congressional spoils rush.
And on top of all of that, we have a $15 trillion dollar national debt.
Predominantly protestant and looking at a 15 trillion dollar debt...
Under one, the American aid would be used to pay off Israel's multi-billion dollar debt, and then halted.
Buyers of African dollar debt haven't fared too badly.
Government policy in the 1980s has been to oppose any increase in the country's dollar debt, which remains at the manageable level of $5.5 million.
Foreign institutional investors have indicated that they want somewhat higher returns on dollar debt.
Moreover, Chinese banks and corporations have very little short-term dollar debt because Beijing won't cooperate.