That makes it highly speculative to be involved in the dollar market right now.
Some dealers, Eddie included, moved to the dollar market, while others have disappeared.
The move was to prevent a credit crunch among eurozone banks that were being shut out of the dollar markets.
European banks are mostly shut out of the dollar market, or only able to raise money for a week at a time.
The stagnant dollar market appears to have had an effect.
The electrical distribution industry is estimated to be over a 70 billion dollar market.
We have an opportunity to have a small development team develop specific products for a multi-billion dollar market.
"Foreign money that was invested in the dollar market disappeared."
Schneider said the purchase would strengthen its operations in building automation, an $11 billion dollar market with a growth rate averaging 6 percent a year.
But the eel is also disappearing, thanks largely to a multibillion dollar market driven by Japan's appetite for the fish.