Developments to the area are planned as part of a multi-million dollar upgrade called "Destinations Rockdale".
A multi-million dollar upgrade of the facility was undertaken in 2007.
The School opened in 1953 and has gone under a 53 million dollar upgrade including renovations and a magnificent addition.
The arena received a $16 million dollar upgrade in 1990.
There will be a $7.0 million dollar upgrade to the school's facilities in 2008.
The marina also known as "Prince Arthur's Landing" is in the first phase of a 130 million dollar upgrade.
Due to the importance of Tourism to Barbados' economy, the government is presently reviewing a further $70 million dollar upgrade.
It was under Hans' leadership that the school underwent its million dollar upgrade.
For 2008, the coaster received a 1.2 million dollar upgrade, which saw new-style "Freedom Seats" cars installed.
A multi-million dollar upgrade to the new facilities are to be completed by June 2013.