The prolin-rich domain interacts with cortactin and actin-binding protein 1.
The C- and N-terminal domains do not interact directly for both monomers of the dimer.
An analogy of a computer can be used to describe how these domains interact to determine decision-making effectiveness.
These homologous domains interact to control cellular responses to DNA damage.
These domains must interact with one another in order for catalysis to occur.
The domain-pair exclusion analysis method calculates an E-score which measures if two domains interact.
Their cytoplasmic domains interact with the cell cytoskeleton to anchor them.
The domains may interact with each other (domain-domain interaction) or remain isolated, like beads on string.
Epsins have many different domains to interact with various proteins related to endocytosis.
Only a global perspective can point out how all these different domains interact, argues Lukács.