For example, will be true on an empty domain using the unrestricted interpretation, where 'c' still does not refer.
It can also be corrected in the digital domain using a drift correction algorithm.
An Ontology is a kind of dictionary that describes information in a certain domain using concepts and relationships.
There are more than two million domains currently using the .
Support for 1 to 23 million virtual e-mail domains using a "grow as it goes" balanced directory tree.
This will cause the browser to resolve that domain using the visitor's DNS server.
Policy may be applied locally to a single computer using , or to multiple users and/or computers in a domain using .
Users of the original Lphant application can prevent the display of such messages by blocking the domain using a hosts file or a firewall.
In Figure 1.1, administrative domains, possibly using their own intranets, are illustrated as rectangles containing Workers.
Charlemagne introduced a standard system of measurement across his domains using names such as "pound" and "foot".