But that would risk American casualties and hostages, a domestic political backlash, Latin American censure and perhaps failure.
FC Brugge have steadied themselves after losing to Marseille in their last European match and suffering a domestic backlash.
In preparing his own response, Mr. Ben Ali has therefore measured the risks of a domestic Islamic backlash against the dangers of Western reprisals.
The Government made the decision to increase rates despite a deep recession, suggesting its willingness to risk a domestic political backlash to reap the longer-range benefits of a more stable currency.
In the face of domestic backlash and an advancing Romanian force, Béla Kun and most of his comrades fled to Austria, while Budapest was occupied on 6 August.
All this could provoke a domestic backlash to the deal.
Integration can look like an attack on "bottom up" democratic legitimacy, and can lead to domestic backlashes.
They plan to announce new food and economic aid to the former Soviet bloc, but they also say they fear a domestic backlash if they cannot prevent a wave of immigration from the east.
Another is whether the cost of rejecting the Soviet proposal is worth a breach in Soviet-American relations and a potential domestic political backlash for taking the nation into a ground war that might have been avoided.
"Very little of the violent domestic backlash has been reported in the mainstream media," Davis claims (dubiously).