It also exposed domestic creditors to overseas credit risks, fluctuations in fiscal policy, and manipulation.
With its own budget deficit and foreign debts, the United States is in a difficult position to rescue foreign debtors and domestic creditors.
We borrowed to invest, from creditors both domestic and foreign.
Its domestic creditors have already frozen interest and principal payments on $42 billion until a debt restructuring plan is drawn up.
For years, wealthy people looking to keep their money out of the reach of domestic creditors have set up these trusts offshore.
Refers to what is owed by the combined public sector to both domestic and foreign creditors.
The Chinese court promised to give equal treatment to foreign and domestic creditors.
The creditors, who are owed $762 million, demanded more than the equivalent of 38 cents on the dollar, the terms accepted by the company's domestic creditors.
A spokesman for Hana Bank, the main domestic creditor, said he still hoped for a compromise with the foreign creditors.
Besides placing an unfair burden of taxation on southern states (who had paid off their state debt), Madison feared the assumption plan cheated domestic creditors.