The United States (which did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol) has the most experience with domestic emissions trading markets.
But they said it would not gain much ground unless the United States adopted limits on domestic emissions, something the president has been loath to do.
Such domestic emissions, it is argued, can be reduced fairly painlessly.
Under the CDM, developed countries can offset some of their domestic emissions by supporting clean energy projects in developing ones.
Put simply the calculation is "domestic emissions -emissions embodied in exports + emissions embodied in imports.
As deposits in any country may originate both from domestic and foreign emissions, national or limited multinational abatement policies have little chance of success.
In addition, the Commission planned its commitment to reduce its domestic emissions by at least 20% by 2020.
In fact, by 2030, northern mitigation obligations typically come to exceed even their total domestic emissions.
Yes, we can feel good that our domestic emissions fell but what really happened is that we outsourced more of our emissions to China.
In the first place, we need to reduce the volume of domestic emissions dramatically.