Finally, about three weeks ago the industry raised domestic fares by 2 percent to 4 percent.
But the average domestic fare fell 1 percent, to 13 cents a mile.
In the second quarter of 2000, the average one-way domestic fare was $218.
By comparison, for all of 2000, the average domestic one-way fare was $259.
Its domestic fares were still to be shown in the local currency.
Continental has abandoned a plan to raise domestic fares 5 percent.
The nation's airlines have also raised domestic fares about 9 percent since the gulf crisis began.
It reduced its lowest domestic fares 50 percent across the board, whether kids are in tow or not.
One, domestic fares will rise more than some industry analysts have been predicting.
United said it will not raise domestic fares for two years after completing the deal.