In exchange for the grazing rights the ranchers agree to remove their domestic herds.
Not because the wolf took a cow or goat now and then, but because a wolf in a domestic herd went on a killing frenzy.
Grey wolves and golden eagles, disease from domestic herds and a disproportionate number of males may have contributed to the rapid population decline.
Foster asked why Bart bothered with wild horses at all, when he was known to have a fair-sized domestic herd of his own.
Feral populations can also pass on diseases to domestic herds.
The Musk Ox Farm is the only domestic herd of these big, shaggy beasts in the world.
Feral populations can also pass on transmissible infections to domestic herds.
The herd of 2,400 in the park are considered the last free-roaming bison, though domestic herds are found throughout the United States.
Last year, one elk in a domestic herd of 83 near Philipsburg, Mont., was discovered to have the disease.
Instead, they see elephants trampling crops or lions destroying domestic herds.