The probable answer is only after they have watched their solidly domestic portfolios trail foreign stocks - which strategists say could be sooner rather than later.
FOR the last year, investors have been pumping more new money into foreign stock funds than into domestic portfolios.
Hoover jealously guarded the FBI's domestic portfolio against all rivals.
It consists of the Federal Reserve's domestic and foreign portfolios.
In Schwab's case, that is an additional 1.2 percent a year for the domestic portfolios and 1.61 percent for the international portfolio.
But Eden had never held a domestic portfolio and had little experience in economic matters.
Some observers fear that Japanese investors, especially banks, will replenish sagging domestic portfolios by "pulling their money out."
For investors who enjoyed huge gains in domestic portfolios last year, the time may be right to diversify around the globe.
Still, that was better than the performance of domestic portfolios.
And the fund has been less volatile than domestic small-stock portfolios, based on the three-year standard deviation of its returns.