And when you peeled back the liberal veneer on domestic positions, they turned out to be pretty conservative, too.
It is also to discuss the domestic and international positions on which set of laws are controlling in Palestinian ruled territory today.
They interviewed this large sample of women about their work histories, current employment and current domestic position.
The White House apparently believes that this is a strong domestic political position.
During the early 1970s, Brezhnev consolidated his domestic position.
But real change is difficult, because the general's domestic position is fragile.
Many of the female characters were displayed in motherly or domestic positions.
Some kings sought Spanish support to bolster their domestic positions; others resisted.
And, he decided not to add, to somehow salvage our domestic position out of the wreckage a Havenite attack would leave.
"But if you're moving from a 100-percent domestic position and cutting 30 percent of that in a single day, it can be quite abrupt."