It does not propose prohibiting powerful encryption software for domestic purchase, where such programs are constitutionally protected and already in wide use.
Inflation, as gauged by the price index for gross domestic purchases, remained at 2.2 percent, the same rate reported a month ago.
The fixed-weight price index for gross domestic purchases was revised back to the 3.2 percent inflation rate that was initially reported in July.
Inflation measured by prices for domestic purchases rose 4 percent, up from 3.3 percent in the second quarter, the Commerce Department reported.
The price index for gross domestic purchases ran at 2.6 percent instead of 2.5 percent earlier.
By the Fed's estimates, the booming market has, on average, added about a percentage point a year to gross domestic purchases for five years.
The Government's fixed-weight price index for gross domestic purchases rose 2.9 percent for the year, the smallest rise since 1986.
The vast majority of the vessels in the fleet were built in B.C. waters, with only two foreign purchases and one domestic purchase.
But this is a result of domestic purchases in the United States.
The fixed-weighted price index for gross domestic purchases remained at 2.8 percent.