The prices that appear on our Web site are for domestic shipments.
As is the case with domestic shipments, most services provide delivery for items weighing no more than 30 kg.
The FedEx Corporation said yesterday that it planned to increase rates for domestic shipments by 4.9 percent.
In 2007, Japanese domestic shipments of instant curry roux was 82.7 billion yen.
Offsetting this, higher-margin premium cigarettes accounted for 84.6 percent of the company's total domestic shipments, a percentage point more than last year.
The album also reached number 3 on the pop chart, and eventually became Brooks's highest-selling album, with domestic shipments of 17 million.
But the company did not announce those moves in this country or interrupt domestic shipments from the Greenville plant.
Shipments to foreign customers increased 16.9 percent while domestic shipments rose 9.7 percent for the first half of 1990.
But the demand has increased to the point where such domestic shipments cannot meet all deficits, and more foreign sources are being tapped.
It has been cited by critics as Maxwell's greatest work and remains as his best-selling release with domestic shipments of two million copies.