The late 20th century saw another period of domestic upheaval with the military coup known as the Carnation Revolution.
It was during one of these periods of domestic upheaval that I entered, stage left.
Such sets, over the years, become familiar furniture whose loss would be tantamount to a domestic upheaval.
A major domestic upheaval seems unavoidable soon after the Sun changes signs on the 20th.
But many of the questions showed signs of resistance to current domestic upheavals.
However, the rapidly changing situation in Europe during 1940, as well as domestic political upheaval, undermined this stance.
Under the best circumstances, guests import a refreshing kind of domestic upheaval.
The longer it goes on, the harder the domestic upheaval may be to control.
There will be some sort of domestic upheaval soon, and you may be involved.
Francis Joseph's long reign was filled with domestic upheavals and foreign defeats.