Brazil has also preserved a strong industrial base and a robust, domestically owned banking system that serves its huge market of 175 million people.
The proposed agreement would limit the ability of countries to favor domestically owned factories at the expense of foreign-owned ones.
There also seems to be a positive indirect effect on job creation in domestically owned firms, presumably caused by spillovers.
Foreign banks, whose United States operations are subject to the same rating procedure as domestically owned lenders, have begun to commit money to low-income housing.
There are also a multitude of biotech firms, over a hundred of them being domestically owned companies.
According to the survey, 80.2 percent of the respondents represented companies that are 100% domestically owned.
Governments can use trade policy instruments to shift profits from foreign to domestically owned firms, thereby raising national economic welfare at the expense of other countries.
This history helped them build domestically owned enterprises that behaved more entrepreneurially than many stodgy multinationals.
First, sustainable value added in a specific country may result from both domestically owned and foreign owned firms.
Write downs by the domestically owned Irish banks are only now beginning to take place.