Bloom's dominance this year makes him about the only lock to make the men's team.
But the same dominance makes the housing market a font of consumer confidence and growth.
This year, as usual, the dominance of attack advertisements on television has made it hard to get a clear picture of where the candidates stand.
NBC's dominance of the hit market has made network competition, if anything, more ferocious than ever.
P&G's dominance in many categories of consumer products makes its brand management decisions worthy of study.
Japan's economic dominance, they say, makes its political leader important, almost by definition.
After a while MacColl's dominance made it hard for anyone to dissent from his views.
This dominance makes it difficult for start up firms to succeed.
Also, Egypt's dominance as a sea power at this time made them an obvious target.
The area's elevation and dominance of evergreen trees makes the area cooler than surrounding places.