Mutations of the NF2 gene cause a human autosomal dominant disease called neurofibromatosis type 2.
Hyperekplexia is an extremely rare autosomal dominant neurological disease.
Interest in the synuclein family began when alpha-synuclein was found to be mutated in several families with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease.
It is an autosomal dominant disease with penetrance that is generally accepted to be 80%.
The disease is an inherited autosomal dominant disease, but the physiological cause of the dysfunction is still unclear.
As it is a dominant disease, there are difficulties in situations in which a parent does not want to know his or her own diagnosis.
The disease Cherubism is a rare autosomal dominant disease of the maxilla and mandible.
This can cause only some children to be affected, even for a dominant disease.
Frey's operation is indicated on patients with chronic pancreatitis who have "head dominant" disease.
It is an autosomal dominant disease, which means a person can get if only one of their parents has the abnormal gene.