Since the 1950s, the Slovaks have been the dominant ethnicity in the town, making up around 90% of the city's population.
The country is ethnically homogeneous, the dominant ethnicity being Finnish people.
After this, the Nahua eventually became the dominant ethnicity.
The dominant ethnicities of this kingdom were the Han and Yue, who held all the most important positions in the kingdom.
Mahalas are often named after the first settler or, when ethnically separate, according to the dominant ethnicity.
Historically, the dominant indigenous ethnicity has been the Zoques and there are still Zoque communities in the municipality.
The dominant ethnicities of the area are Jewish, Russian and Filipino.
As of the 2002 Census, Russians, at 96.4%, are the dominant ethnicity in the district.
These pushed the former dominant ethnicity of the Olmeca-Xicalanca to the south of the city.
Before the Aztecs, the area was a restless tribute region of Tehuantepec, with the dominant ethnicity being Mame.