This summarizes the dominant interpretation of the populares in 20th-century scholarship, deriving in large part from Ronald Syme in the Anglophone literature.
As for James Morris's Wotan, it has become the dominant interpretation of this part and is gaining in expressive nuance.
This is a broad concept, so Heidegger chooses to focus on three dominant interpretations of things:
The 'revisionist interpretation' is often characterised as replacing the allegedly dominant, allegedly Marxist, 'social interpretation' which locate the causes of the Revolution in class dynamics.
The dominant modern interpretation of the Hortus Palatinus is that is a 'magic' or 'hermetic' garden.
The dominant interpretation of these events until the early twentieth century was straightforward: Formosus had always been a pro-Carolingian, and his crowning of Lambert in 892 was coerced.
Moving beyond the markets-versus-hierarchies framework that underlies the previously dominant interpretation of Chandler, the authors highlight the great variety of coordination mechanisms in use in the economy at any given time.
This view received its definitive treatment in St. Thomas Aquinas and became for a time the dominant interpretation in the Latin Church.
Tucker's Harvard University doctoral dissertation was in philosophy and challenged the dominant interpretations of Soviet and Western theorists.
This re-evaluation of the work was probably a response to the massive social and political changes of the period which caused scholars to reassess the dominant official interpretation of Confucianism.