Mr. Hussein and most of his top officials were Sunni Muslims, the dominant Muslim sect worldwide but a minority in Iraq.
The dominant sect of Islam in the region is Ismailism, much milder than the strict form of Islam generally practiced in the country.
The majority of the East Indian immigrants were Hindu, and their dominant sect was Vaishnavite Hinduism.
The proposals call for Lebanon's Maronites, the dominant Christian sect, to surrender the privileges they have held since independence from France in 1943.
India is a secular state having Hindu majority but Ahmadis are persecuted because of the dominant other Muslim sects in India.
I represent information from the presently dominant sects and discourses embraced by the Tritonic Neuroform Composition.
For Shiite Muslims, the dominant sect in Iran, religion is a political force as well as a form of nationalism.
Nestorian Christianity becomes dominant Christian sect in Sassanid Empire.
The dominant religious affiliation per country mentions the dominant sect.
In the centuries following the Arab conquest, the dominant sect was of course Sunni.