As seen by the payoff matrix, there is no dominant strategy in the volunteer's dilemma.
Simple game demonstrated that decision to gamble with taxpayers' money was a dominant strategy (defection).
There are different degrees of incentive-compatibility: in some games, truth-telling can be a dominant strategy.
In this case 'always defect' may no longer be a strictly dominant strategy, only a Nash equilibrium.
In this game there is no strictly dominant strategy.
But since this happens so seldom on the show, Klarreich argues, the dominant strategy will usually be instead to bank after every question.
However, in the long term conflict might be the dominant strategy.
How to foresee important problems, figuring out dominant strategies, and when it's safe to roll the dice.
Tabarrok asserts that this creates a dominant strategy of participation for all players.
If both players have a strictly dominant strategy, the game has only one unique Nash equilibrium.