Beds of eelgrass, the dominant variety in the southern bay, have shrunk by more than half there since the early 1970s.
Standard Chinese (a form of Mandarin) is the dominant variety, much more widely studied than the rest.
Gravy-style enchiladas are the dominant variety found throughout South and Central Texas.
Of the big trees, cypress, eucalyptus and acacia are the dominant varieties.
The dominant variety by far is Tsaayi.
Grenache is the dominant variety in Red and Rosé.
It was introduced in 1966 and quickly became a dominant variety due to its low nitrogen content and superior malting characteristics.
Most of the dominant variety, flue-cured tobacco, is grown in the Southeast.
The Iroquois developed a system of economics very different from the now dominant Western variety.
Quebec French is the dominant and most prevalent regional variety of French found in Canada.