They wish to dominate women in an effort to "rehabilitate" men and bring such misbehavior back to the norm.
The majority of the men and women involved in the story are of the opinion that men should dominate women.
He told them that the terrorists believed men should completely dominate women, who should cover their faces and go uneducated.
One of the things that makes Islam attractive to young westernised Muslim men is the opportunity it gives them to dominate women.
Dr. Mira's profile confirms his need to dominate and destroy women.
Rahul had imagined that it was only as a woman that she could dominate both women and men.
There's a need here to dominate women, to debase them, but to do so with what is perceived as style and charm.
He shows his own cruel strength by dominating women.
They argued that men dominated women not so much for material benefits as for the ego satisfaction intrinsic in domination.
"In Colombia most men are womanizers and want to dominate women," she said in a telephone interview.