With vast wealth held as a lure, this domineering man could not shake the will of Meldon Fallow.
I am a very domineering man at times.
His father had been a domineering man who didn't think much of his son.
There is the Priest Grigoris - a domineering man who bends God's will to his own.
Others say that he was a domineering man who did his best to make sure his daughters wouldn't become independent enough to marry and leave home.
The Supreme is a domineering man, frequently belittling his closest confidant.
The father was a domineering man who set extremely high standards for his daughter and very likely had an unnatural attraction to her.
Eventually mother and daughter discover their strength and feel liberated without a domineering man in their lives.
The domineering young man took it as a personal affront that she didn't cower a little when he came near.
A domineering man, he was not ready to obey Harvey's short order to vacate.