His family donated his heart, kidneys, liver and arms to different recipients.
The LoCiceros had donated their daughter's heart and kidneys, enabling three ill people from across the country to live.
He wishes to donate his heart after his execution to Claire.
I've also had people tell me they wouldn't be willing to donate their heart to someone waiting for a transplant.
Mr. Newman said a woman in Washington donated her heart to her minister, who was on a waiting list, but not at the top.
Last year, a family in Tennessee donated their daughter's heart to her father, who lived in Michigan.
And while we allow people to give a kidney to their child, we do not allow them to donate their heart.
Darcy's mother and father decide to donate his heart to a transplant organization.
Traci made the decision to remove her daughter from life support and donated Colleen's heart to Victor.
(They also donated his heart, but that baby died.)